Internationally recognized thought leader,
mom mobilizer & faith influencer
Internationally recognized thought leader, mom mobilizer & faith influencer.
Mandy is courageous, ever honest, present. She convinces us that God uses everything to shape us into who we always wanted to be.
Elisa Morgan, Speaker, Author and Radio Host
Mandy is a leader unlike any I have met. She is a powerhouse of kindness, an influencer who doesn’t take herself too seriously, and her ability to connect with an audience is staggering. Mandy is showing us all how to be better humans.
Rob Talbot, Apex Media Arts
When Mandy is around everyone becomes better. She has the unique ability to make you laugh and cry, and then leaves you wanting more.
Mariah Jenkins, Southeast Methodist Church
Mandy is a leader of leaders. Her influence is staggering. Want to mobilize a crowd? Mandy is your girl.
Pete Moonves, CBS Radio
Mandy is an encourager who reframes ordinary life from weary to wonderful. Wondering how to see things a new way? Mandy will show you how.
Karen Ehman, New York Times bestselling author
When Mandy is around everyone becomes better. She has the unique ability to make you laugh and cry, and then leaves you wanting more.
Mariah Jenkins, Southeast Methodist Church
When Mandy is around everyone becomes better. She has the unique ability to make you laugh and cry, and then leaves you wanting more.
Mariah Jenkins, Southeast Methodist Church
Go out and have an adventure: and don’t come back until you do